Understand your feelings

Do you pause for a moment to think about your negative thoughts and emotions? or make yourself busy to get away from your thoughts?
Whatever you do to keep yourself busy, you cannot get rid of your thoughts for long time. They are still with you like a heavy back pack that you cannot carry it for a long time. You get exhausted if you don’t put it down!
Next time do the following technique If you think you can manage it by your own;
Have a deep breath, give yourself time and pay attention to your thoughts. Just let them be, don’t judge your thoughts, yourself or anybody. Do not let your thoughts lead you, be there and just watch them. You can realise they would not be painful as they were after doing this technique for many times and more importantly you have better control of your thoughts and your life by practicing this technique. You may even come up with a solution.
If you can do something for your problem, do it. If not accept your situation and be honest with yourself. You may think if there was a solution for your problem, you wouldn’t wait but I have seen many clients who carried their pain for a long time but during therapy they realized there was a solution for their problem. There are many reasons that you may stuck with your problems even if there is an easy solution for them. For instance, depression may have stuck you in the past and anxiety in the future therefore you may not be able to think properly. Sometimes there might be even a fake belief that you have about yourself. For instance, you may believe that you cannot do it but think about it; where this belief really comes from?